
Welcome to the adult support services directory where you can find details on a range of local and national services to assist you when you need help and support.

Services List

Care and support

Find information about care and support services in Redcar and Cleveland.

Staying safe

Find information about services that can help you, or the person you care for, stay safe in the community.

Your money

Find information about services that can help you make the most of your money and informed decisions about your budget.

Your rights

Find information about services that can provide advice and information on your rights and legal issues.

Skills and employment

Find a information about services that can support you with training and developing key skills for employment.

Living independently

Find information about support to live independently in your home and community.

Keeping well

Find information about services that can help you maintain your health and wellbeing.

Caring for others

Find information to support you with your caring responsibilities.

Help in a crisis

Find information about services that can support you to cope with unexpected events.