Footprints in the Community
Registered charity
How it can help
Footprints in the Community offer a variety of services under one umbrella organisation to help address isolation and poverty in Redcar and Cleveland.
Services include:
- Redcar Area Foodbank- emergency food for those facing food poverty within Redcar & Cleveland. Each centre has a Citizens Advice Outreach Advisor to offer one-to-one support and advice.
- Next Step Shop- located in Redcar and Grangetown, thse two shops sell subsidised food for members. Each shop has a Support Worker to provide financial and benefit advice and support.
- New Start- small packs of household items to help people who are struggling with the cost of setting up a home.
- Footprints Café- community café offering healthy and affordable home-cooking on Redcar High Street.
- Reflections Dementia Support- a friendly support group for people living with dementia, their families and carers can meet.
- First Steps- pre-loved baby and children’s clothes, toiletries and baby equipment for families in need.
- Lunch Box Project- packed-lunches and an activity for primary-age children during the school holidays.
- The Book Club- distributing books and literacy materials to local families.
- Bridging the Gap- bringing together the older generation and young pre-school children.
- The Shed- Creative space where members can work on woodwork items.
- Community Wellbeing Partnership- Part of the Community Mental Health Transformation across R&C. Supporting people who receive mental health care to access support within the community.
- Art Space- Art workshop open to all.
For most of these services you will need to be referred by the local authority or another local charity.