Extra care

Find information about extra care housing.

Extra care housing usually consists of individual, self-contained flats or bungalows, each with its own front door. It is for adults with a disability or aged 55 years and over with care and support needs.

Extra care can be a good option if you need the security having care staff on-site 24 hours a day but do not want to lose the independence of living in your own home. Care and support provided can include things like:

  • personal care;
  • domestic support;
  • help with meals; or
  • opportunities for a range of social and leisure activities.

Most extra care schemes have a mix of more independent and able residents together with residents receiving a lot more care and support.

If you would like to apply for extra care housing and already have a social worker, you can ask them to help you fill in an application form. If you do not have a social care worker, you should contact adult social care on 01642 771500 to ask for your needs to be assessed.

You can find a list of extra care housing in Redcar and Cleveland in our service directory.

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