Caroline Cope

Childminder based in Redcar
How it can help

I offer full day care including school holidays and offer pick up/drop to local schools including St Benedicts and Newcomen. My ethos is focused around the Reggio Emillia and Forest Childcare approaches, making the most of the natural and outdoor learning environment. I am married with 2 daughters, dogs, cats, chickens, ducks etc. I am a qualified nursery nurse with an NNEB certificate, a Bachelor of Arts in Children and Early Childhood and EYP. I have worked as a childminder, nanny and nursery nurse, working in childcare for over 20 years. I offer children access to real experiences with opportunities to mix with children of different ages. The children, including babies, have free flow access to the garden, and daily outings to our allotment which contains an art barn, animals as well as allowing the children to grow their own food. Children regardless of age will have access to baking, messy play and regular walks to the woods, beach or local parks. For more information and vacancies please contact Families" Information Service. Due to growing demand I now have an assistant working with me.




Funded and privately paying childcare 

How to access

Contact by email

Area(s) covered
Can siblings without SEND also attend
Is the service available online?