Catherine Vallely

Childminder in Redcar
How it can help

I have been childminding for twenty two years. I have two children that have left home. I enjoy keeping fit, jogging and going to the gym on a regular basis. I visit the Lakes on a weekend and do rock climbing and walking.

As a childminder I go on regular outings with children to Kirkleatham Woods, Kirkleatham Owl Centre, various museums, parks and the beach. I also take children on the train to places such as York, Whitby, Newcastle and Durham.

I regularly bake with the children and will celebrate your child's birthday with a special tea party.

I promote healthy eating and healthy habits for children in my care. I provide home cooked meals with vegetables and offer healthy snacks such as fruit.




Funded and privately paying childcare 

How to access

Contact FIS on 01642 444532 or for childminder contact details

Area(s) covered
Can siblings without SEND also attend
Is the service available online?