Moo Music

Baby & Toddler Group based in Marske
How it can help

Moosical Fun for your Little One:

My Moo music sessions are fun, lively and very interactive. Each session is a mini musical adventure. We sing our own unique songs and have fun with actions and dancing. We use percussion instruments, scarves, puppets and bubbles. Lots of multi-sensory activities for babies and young children! We repeat songs and add new ones each week linked to an exciting theme such as the farm, seaside, animals, counting and many more. We explore the world around us and learn as we sing and play. Children will also learn social social skills and make new friends. You and your child will soon grow to love our special characters Maggie Moo, Henry Horse, Doris Duck and Ollie Oink. Come and join the fun!

A bit about us...

I have been a Primary School teacher for 18 years and have spent over 10 years in Early years. I am also our school's Music Coordinator. I have worked part-time for the past ten years as I am also busy mum to my 14yr old son and 10yr old daughter. I love working with children and especially teaching through musical related activities. Moo Music is a perfect combination of the two!


Open to all

How to access

Contact by email or phone

Area(s) covered
Can siblings without SEND also attend
Is the service available online?