Where to get help for your child with attendance issues

The first person to speak to could be the school attendance officer or the child’s teacher. They may seek further advice from the SENDCo or Mental Health Lead in school.  Every school in Redcar and Cleveland has a mental health team in school. Your school's SENDCo or Mental Health Lead will be able to offer advice about accessing this service. The Mental Health Team in School hold regular huddles where they will discuss children that they feel need a more intensive level of support and can make referrals to services such as CAMHS - Getting Help/Getting More Help teams. 

SENDCo can also make a referral through Resource and Support Panel to request support from the Specialist Teaching Service or to the Educational Psychology Service at Redcar and Cleveland Education Department. SENDCo can also seek advice from the school nursing service (0-19 Service). 

There are  services such as Kooth who can help support your child's mental health. 

There are apps such as Molehill Mountain, n app to help autistic people understand and self-manage anxiety and Positive Penguins, a resilience building app for children aged 9-11yrs. Helps children to understand their thoughts and feelings and what to do when feeling anxious.

You may feel your child’s attendance difficulties are a result of their special educational need or disability.  If this is the case, speak to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) at your child's school. It may help to make a record of when they are feeling unwell and unable to attend. It could be a particular lesson or even a particular teacher. This can then be discussed with the SENDCo and a plan of support can be put into place. 


If you are working with social care, they can also support you.