SEND Support in Mainstream School

Children may need more support to meet their needs in school. If this is the case, school can put in SEND support.

If after the Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach has been undertaken, a school may decide that a SEN Support Plan is needed, this should be initiated by SENDCO/class teacher working in partnership with caregiver and learner. It must focus on the learner’s individual needs, not their SEN or disability label. The label itself will not be sufficient to explain any barriers to learning due to variance that a disability may have. The language used in the plan should be child-centred and the outcomes written in such a way that they can be easily understood by the learner and caregivers. Most plans will identify three to four outcomes, which focus on supporting their wellbeing, not just developing academic skills. They should be personalised and agreed by all parties.

The learner, teacher and caregiver need to agree: 

  • The outcomes to be achieved.
  • The interventions, strategies, and support to be put in place.
  • Identify a key person to deliver the support.
  • When where and how often the support will be delivered.
  • The expected impact on progress, development, or behaviour.
  • A date/time for next review.