Independent Travel Trainers (ITT)

We will work closely with schools and individuals to develop the independent travel skills of young people, where appropriate. Travel training is the process by which a person teams with a member of the independent travel trainers are supported to make a trip between two places on their own and with safety. This trip could be as simple as finding their own way to the corner shop or as complicated as undertaking a multi-component journey to another town or city. 

The independent travel program aims to reduce need and reliance on transport services. By participating in the independent travel training program, you are making a positive lifestyle choice. Travel training will allow an individual to develop the confidence and skills needed to travel alone in a safe way, making it easier for them to make new friends, meet up with existing friends, access employment, college, or training and become more independent in other areas of their life. 

If you think your child would benefit from independent travel training, please contact our Independent travel trainer on 01642 304500 or 

For schools, please complete the appropriate form below to access independent travel training.


