Alternative Educational Provision

Alternative Provision is education for pupils who are not able to receive a suitable education in a school or setting.

Sometimes your child’s school will offer them an alternative provision package and sometimes Redcar and Cleveland Local Authority will offer this option.

Who is eligible

A pupil may be considered for alternative provision if they:

  • have been permanently excluded
  • are unable to attend school because of illness for 15 days or more, and the school is unable to provide suitable education during that time
  • need off-site provision to improve their behaviour
  • have an Education, Health and Care Plan and the Local Authority considers that it would be inappropriate for the child’s needs to be delivered in a school setting
  • have an Education, Health and Care Plan and are awaiting a suitable school placement

 Read the statutory guidance about alternative provision on GOV.UK.

Alternative provision: education outside school - GOV.UK (

Alternative Provision