Health and Wellbeing - Preparing for Adulthood

Here you will find a list of services to support health and wellbeing for young people with SEND aged 14 to 25 years old.

‘Preparing for adulthood’ is used to describe changes that may happen when moving from being a child to becoming an adult. Schools, colleges, health and social care services work together to help plan and prepare young people in four main areas;

  • continuing education, training or getting a job 
  • living independently  
  • having friends and being part of the local community
  • being as healthy as possible.


Below are some useful websites about preparing for adulthood:

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Turning Tides

A community-based wellbeing coach is available through Turning Tides for young people aged between 15-21. Support is targeted at young people who are facing a transition in their lives, feeling lost and confused about their future and struggle to express their emotions/may be lonely.