New to the SENDCo Role

There is a new SENDCo toolkit available on the Local Offer which has links to all the information and paperwork that you may need to start your new role)

When new in role:

1.Make sure you have a handover with the current SENDCO and get a list of all their contacts.

2. Contact  – who will come into school along with your school’s dedicated LA SEND officer to give advice and information about services within RCBC.. 

3. Ask to join the SENDCo Network Group. This group meets together each half term. In the first half term, you will be invited to join a face-to face meeting with SENDCo’s from your cluster area both primary and secondary. This will be at a local school. Here the SEND team will be available to discuss any updates to their service and you will have the opportunity to raise any issues that you may want some advice on. In the second half term, you will be invited to join a virtual SENDCo meeting via TEAMS. In this meeting you will hear from a variety of different services who will update you on what they can offer or changes to their service. You can ask or raise any questions that you may have. The meeting is recorded so you will receive a copy of the meeting afterwards if you are unable to attend. 

4. Try to meet some key people such as headteacher, SEN Advisor, EP, ASC advisor. 

5.  Make a SENDCO friend – The EDA for SEN can help you to make links with other SENDCo’s or with the SENDCo mentors. 

6. Join the SENDCO forum: 

7. Useful websites: 









8. Read these documents: 

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (

The Equality Act 2010 | The Classroom (

Children and Families Act 2014 (

9. You will be making confidential calls and holding confidential files so you will need an office space where you can make these calls and have a locked filing cabinet. 

10. Gather information on the following: 

• A list of the SEND register by year group, type of SEND, SEN Support and EHCP – work out percentage of the school roll and compare this to national data. • A list of any pupils with statutory assessments in process for EHCP 

• When the annual reviews are due 

• Check the School’s Information Report and SEN Policy are on the school website and are up to date and easily accessible – this is a statutory requirement.