Children with Disabilities (CWD) Team (Social Care)

The Children with Disabilities Team provides a social work service to children with severe and profound disabilities, both learning and physical, within Redcar and Cleveland. Access to services from Children's Services is through referral and subsequent assessment by the team.

How would I request an assessment?

A referral should initially be made to the MACH (Multi Agency Children's Hub)  by contacting  01642 130700.  The worker will make a decision, based on the information provided, about which is the most appropriate team to complete the ‘Assessment of Need’.  A worker will then be allocated from the appropriate team to complete the assessment. 

For eligibility criteria - please click the link below


The team are based at Seafield House, Kirkleatham Street, Redcar TS10 1SP

 You can contact the team on the numbers below:

01642 130700
01642 524552 - Out of Hours


Date & Time Information

Monday - Thursday 8.30am - 5pm, Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm