Annual Review Process

Annual Review Process Step by Step Guide.

Here you will find a step by step guide to the Annual Review process for your child/young person's Education Health and Care Plan. 

  1. Preparation for holding the Annual Review - Step 1

    (In accordance with the Children and Families Act 2014 and SEND Code of Practice 2015)

    At least two weeks before each term the LA will provide a list of children/young people who will require a review of their EHC Plan to all headteachers and principals of schools, colleges, and other institutions. This list will also be shared with the Children’s Commissioning Group (Health) and responsible officers for Social Care for children and young people with SEN or disabilities.


  2. Invitations to the Annual Review Meeting - Step 2

    Sending out invitations to parents and other professionals to attend the Annual Review

  3. The annual review meeting - Step 3

    This is the Annual Review meeting and what will happen during it. 

  4. Following the meeting - Step 4

    Here is information about the Annual Review process after the Annual Review meeting has been held. 

  5. Annual Review documents received into the Local Authority - Step 5

    Upon receiving the report of the meeting and supporting documentation the LA will decide which one of three actions to take following the Annual Review. 

  6. Making Amendments to the Education Health and Care Plan- Step 6

    The SEND team will amend the Education Health and Care Plan

  7. The Education Health and Care Plan is finalised - Step 7

    Finalising the Education Health and Care Plan