You Said – We Did!
In the Local Authority, we are working hard to bring good services to children and families. We have seen increase in demands on all of our services and we will continually seek the opinions of Redcar and Cleveland residents to ensure that we are able improving our services.
Please see below some of the improvements to our services that have been made over the last year arising from your ideas.
2023 - 2024 | |
The People’s information Network was too hard to find information. Links did not work, were out of date and services were advertised but no longer available |
We invested in changing our old provider and completely revamping the PIN site. We changed the name to the Redcar and Cleveland Information Directory to make it easier to search. The site has more intuitive search functions. The site was updated, and all links now can be easily checked and updated. Services can also contact us easily to update their site when needed. |
The People’s Information Network was not available on mobile services | The RaCID is now full available on mobile phones which previously was not possible. |
The registration process for the SEND Register is too difficult and users need to register for an account prior to accessing the form. | We have updated the form completely and made it much easier for users to complete. Most questions just need a box to be ticked and only information individual to the person requires further information entering. The form is now more accessible. |
There is no support for children and families when children are on the neuro waiting list | We introduced the Family Support Service to offer families direct support for children with a diagnosis or waiting to receive one. There is also drop-in service on a monthly basis which has multiagency attendance so that parents can seek further advice from professionals directly. There is also regular drop ins at family hubs across the area. |
Transition from primary to secondary is a real concern for families. They do not feel confident that their child will be supported, and that information will shared with the receiving school | We appointed 2 Assistant Educational Psychologists to lead on a bespoke transition package for children identified as needing an enhanced offer. This will follow the child into secondary and through the first Autumn term. |
The wait time for EHCP is too long. | We have appointed more SEND Officers into the SEND team to support the EHCP process and reduce waiting times. |
School SENDCo’s need more training. | All School SENDCo’s both secondary and primary have been invited to join a programme of support lead by SEND leaders - Whole Education SEND. This is to develop leadership skills for SENDCo’s and form support groups where SENDCo’s can share good practice together. |
School staff do not know enough about Autism and neurodiversity. | RCBC were chosen to take part in the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools. 20 Primary schools volunteered to take part in the project which provides bespoke training and resources for school staff, governors and leaders in school. It also introduced regular drop ins with the SEND Family Voice – Parent Carer forums in school for parents to raise their concerns and seek further advice. |
Parents asked for an evening slot for accessing the SEND Family Voice Drop Ins | SEND Family Voice have begun to offer drop in Sessions on a evening via TEAMS for families to access. |
Parents asked for there to be parental input to Education Health and Care Plan decision panel | PCF representative attends panel in an advisory capacity |