We have recently updated our Redcar and Cleveland Information Directory to enable users to find information about available services within our area more easily. This site includes all the of our local services such as childcare, carers support and also has information about other services such as how to seek advice around your child's education and what special needs support is available.
If there are ways that we can improve our service offer and you would like to offer your ideas or you would like to leave a comment about services that you have accessed, we would love to hear from you. This will enable us to improve and develop our services to meet the needs of our community.
You Said, We Did
Each service area has a You Said, We Did section where we will let you know what improvements we have made as a response to your comments where possible.
If you would like to leave a comment about the services available or how you found using the new Redcar and Cleveland Information Directory, please email localoffer@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk
If you would like us to contact you directly, then please feel free to leave your name and contact details within your email.