Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council’s (RCBC) long-term goal is to improve attendance in Redcar & Cleveland (R&C) schools and colleges, particularly for those children living in our most disadvantaged wards, with the wider longer-term benefits for their health, wellbeing and economic prospects. In the short-term, we are seeking to learn together how to prevent the risks and reverse the levels, of persistent and severe absence by children and young people in Redcar and Cleveland by the end of 2026 compared to the prevailing situation in 2023. Longer term (by 2040), we have a vision for a system and Borough where it is exceptional for any child or young person to miss more than 10% of their education and where Redcar & Cleveland is a place renowned for providing modern, flexible approaches that motivate, equip and support children and their families to want to be at school college or other inspiring learning environment.
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