Doorways - Emotional Wellbeing Support Advice and Talking Space
How it can help
DOORWAYS Staff and volunteers come from different backgrounds and life experiences and are experienced in providing support in:
- Emotional well-being
- Information, advice and guidance
- Mental health
DOORWAYS serves young people 13-25 throughout East Cleveland, those in need of support with:
- Confidence building
- Self-esteem
- Anxiety and depression;
- Employability;
- Communication skills;
- Addictions
We have particular specialism and success in relation to young people's emotional health and mental well-being and helping them progress in their life journey.
We recognise that many young people are at risk, facing multiple challenges, and are confident that we can provide support to those with more than one identified issue including: low level mental health; at risk of offending; leaving care; homeless; with a learning disability and/or addiction.
A range of interventions are offered including:
(One to one)
- Information, Advice and Guidance
- Active listening
- Life coaching
(Group work)
- Innovative and interactive sessions, developed by Doorways to increase personal development in several specific areas
What sets us apart from other services is that we are responsive at the point of need and offer open-ended, individually tailored support, co-designed with the young person.
Doorways gives young people coping strategies and skills which they will access and use for the rest of their life. Our clients tell us how the impact of our service has had a positive effect on their health and well-being and has enabled them to resume their role in their family and community.
85% of our clients report an overall improvement in their emotional health and general wellbeing following completion of their sessions with Doorways.
In addition, to the benefits experienced by individuals, our service enables other statutory and non-specialist providers to signpost or refer on their clients who need more bespoke help.
Doorways promotes resilience, encourages prevention and delivers early intervention.