The Graduated Approach - Assess

The Code states that when a child is identified as needing SEN support, the teacher working with the SENDCO should carry out a clear analysis of the child’s strengths and needs (DfE (Department for Education), 2015a). The purpose of this analysis is to gain an in-depth understanding of the learner’s needs to be able to effectively plan teaching approaches, to provide the most suitable provision/interventions and to inform of any adjustments that need to be made.

To identify the barriers to learning, SENDCo/Teacher may need to access individualised identification tools that should be available within school – assessment criteria and screening tools are widely available (if advice is needed, please contact the local authority SEN advisor or specialist teaching team). Hearing and sight checks should be requested through the GP or opticians and should be done as soon as there are concerns to eliminate any underlying physical needs before any SEN is explored. For example, research shows that learners who have suffered from glue ear in early life can have delays in the acquisition of early literacy skills. Information gathering should include an early discussion with the learner and their caregivers. These early discussions should be structured in such a way that they develop a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty the caregiver's concerns, the agreed outcomes sought for the learner and next steps. This conversation will also create a partnership of support between school and home.

Initial and ongoing assessments should be reviewed regularly to ensure that support is bespoke to the learner’s needs. Where there is little or no improvement in progress, more specialist assessment may be required from specialist teachers or from health and/or social care. Learning assessments can be obtained through the Resource and Support Panel where access can be given to specialist teachers for learning or ASC or sought through private providers. When professionals such as CAMHS are not already working with the setting, the SENDCO should contact them, after gaining the caregiver’s agreement, for advice and guidance. Once information about the learner’s needs is gathered, there needs to be further discussion with the caregivers and the learner to develop a shared understanding of the child’s strengths and suggested outcomes to be achieved.