Feeling lonely

Find information about local groups and activities that can help you meet new people.

If you're feeling lonely, there are lots of things you can do to help, including:

Sharing how you feel

Talking to someone about your feelings can really help.

You could try using positive coping techniques such as:

  • connecting with others;
  • doing more of the things you enjoy;
  • learning new skills; and
  • looking after yourself.
Making new connections

Joining group activities based on your interests can be a great way to make new connections. You should think about:

  • activities and hobbies you enjoy; or
  • something you would like to learn.

This could include getting involved in community activities.


Volunteering is a great way to:

  • get involved in your community;
  • use your skills to support others; and
  • meet new people.

People can offer their time by supporting family, friends and neighbours or getting involved in initiatives. Whatever your reason for volunteering, there is a wide range of volunteering opportunities available to you.


You may benefit from a more formal social arrangement such as befriending. This is where you're matched with a befriender who can contact you by phone or in person. 

You can find a list of services that can support you in our service directory.

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