School Councils

What is a School Council? The United Convention on the rights of the Child (UNCRC) Article 12 states that “Children have the right to say what they think should happen, when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account”   One way schools do this is by having a School Council which encourages children and young people to have a say in developments within school as well as in the local community.  It also provides a forum to voice any ideas, opinions or concerns about what is happening for them.

Nomination and Elections:

Children and young people are often recruited through self-nomination and following a whole school vote are elected to their Council by their peers to represent their class, year group or House. 

 What does a School Council do?

It is the job of the School Council to make sure that the voices of all the children attending the school are heard collectively, that information is shared across the school from their meetings and that they can make a difference in school for everyone who goes there.  They are often invited to be involved in school organised activities such as Prom, Summer Fairs or supporting within the community.  School Councils often have direct access to the Head Teacher and may be involved in meeting with School Governors and guests in school.

A place on a School council for any child or young person can be a very rewarding, exciting and important position as the Council members will often be consulted with about school issues and other services may want to meet with them to find out their views, opinions and ideas for a particular project or activity that is happening locally.  Members of the Council are usually invited to represent the voice of the Students in new staff Interviews.

 How do I get Involved in my School Council?

Schools often start the process in September with most being elected by November.  If your child is interested in being part of their School Council ask to speak to your School Council Lead person who will be able to let you know how they can get involved.