Ask Listen Do - Making conversations count in health, social care and education

Making feedback, concerns and complaints about education, health and social care easier for children, young people and adults with a learning disability, autism or both, their families and carers.

Ask Listen Do - Making conversations count in health, social care and education 

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Making feedback, concerns and complaints about education, health and social care easier for children, young people and adults with a learning disability, autism or both, their families and carers. 

Ask Listen Do supports organisations to learn from and improve the experiences of people with a learning disability, autism or both, their families and carers when giving feedback, raising a concern or making a complaint. It also makes it easier for people, families and paid carers to give feedback, raise concerns and complain. 

NHS England is leading this project with partners across health, social care and education

We have worked with Speakup, a self-advocacy organisation for autistic people and people with a learning disability, to produce some helpful resources. We worked with Bringing Us Together to involve families and paid carers in writing a guide. Information and resources for people with a learning disability, autistic people, families and paid carers 

We have also worked with national partners and and other professionals to produce resources for organisations. Information and resources for organisations and practitioners 

What people told us 

Ask Listen Do came from the poor experiences people often report when giving feedback, raising concerns and making complaints. We did a survey which nearly 1,300 people took part in. Some of the main results from this survey were: 

  • Nine out of ten people said that they had wanted to raise a concern or make a complaint at some time 
  • Two out of three people said they sometimes or never knew how to do this 
  • Seven out of ten people said that they did not feel that their complaint(s) had changed the way the organisation supports people as a result. 

We then carried out events across England where we asked people for their ideas about what needs to change and advice they could share with others. 

Find out more about what people said about feedback, concerns and complaints

Easy read leaflet 

Read the easy read leaflet about the Ask Listen Do project and its aims