The Educational setting will normally chair the Annual Review meeting. It should be held in the style of a Person-Centred Planning Meeting. The format of the meeting must enable full involvement of the parent, child/young person and consider their views, wishes and feelings, especially when making decisions. The meeting:
- must focus on progress made towards achieving outcomes.
- must establish whether the current outcomes remain appropriate and if required agree new ones.
- must review the short-term targets and set new ones.
- must review the special educational provision and the arrangements for delivering it to ensure it is still appropriate and enabling good progress.
- review any health and social care provision and check its effectiveness towards achieving the outcomes.
- check if the aspirations have changed (to be considered in the context of paid employment, independent living, and community participation
- must check if the parent/YP would like to request a Personal Budget.
- At Y9 onwards must focus on the Preparation for Adulthood
School are responsible for making any tracked changes to the current Education Health and Care Plan. They should also complete the Annual Review form (AR1) on the SEND portal and submit after the meeting with any other documents provided for the meeting.
What to check for at the Annual Review
Section A Aspirations should be checked to see if they remain the same. There may be additional aspirations to be included due to new experiences, interests, or circumstances.
Section B New needs may have emerged, or existing needs changed and/or are having an impact on other areas of their life (in or out of school). Or the parent or Children and young people may not feel their needs are described accurately or be a true representation of who they are. An example may be where a need has been described in the EHCP as a behaviour issue when the underlying reason behind the behaviour has now been identified as being due to a communication disorder or learning difficulty.
Section C There may be a new diagnosis or on-going investigations. Health conditions included may have stabilised or improved. Alternatively, what had previously been reported as a stable health condition may now be less so.
Section D Change of circumstances may have occurred or a more up to date assessment has now been completed that should be included. Parent/YP may request an assessment of their Social Care needs.
Section E Outcomes are expected to last for 2 to 3 years but they still need to be reviewed to check they are still relevant, smartened up or changed. (Short-term targets will also be reviewed and new targets set)
Section F There should be provision to match each need included in B. Some of the provision did not occur or has not been as effective as expected or there is an alternative approach that could be tried.
Section G Anything included here requires agreement by the LA from the Integrated Care Board (ICB)). Any health provision, such as Speech and Language Therapy, that educates, or trains must be included in Section F.
Sections H1 & 2 Any provision included here will depend on what needs, if any have been included in Section D. It must be reviewed and may have already changed since it was originally included.
Section I If relevant the suitability of the school (or placement) may also be discussed. The parent/YP may want to ask for a different school or type of school if they believe it will provide a better match to their needs.
Section J Any Personal Budget (PB) already in place should be reviewed particularly where provision has been amended. This is also an opportunity to request a PB if the parent/YP would like one.