Social, Emotional and Mental Health Services - Getting Help for Children and Young People

Here you will find information about mental health services for children and young people

Here you will find information about mental health services for children and young people 

46 results found
Multiple locations

Cruse Bereavement Support

Cruse Bereavement support offers help to people suffering from grief at all ages.
All Redcar & Cleveland area

Daisy Chain

Daisy Chain runs a variety of social clubs and youth groups for young people aged 5-17.
All Redcar & Cleveland area


AT Dimensions, we provide research-based, outcomes-focussed services for people with learning disabilities and autism.
All Redcar & Cleveland area


At Dimensions, we provide research-based, outcomes-focussed services for people with learning disabilities and autism. Alongside supported living and residential care, we also offer vital specialist services including sector leading Positive Behaviour Support.
All Redcar & Cleveland area

Doorways - Emotional Wellbeing Support Advice and Talking Space

Our aim is to increase people’s wellbeing, which in turn improves their Health, mental ability, sense of awareness, choices and achievement; enabling change in outlook and an ability to set positive outcomes for themselves, their families and the community.
All Redcar & Cleveland area

Down's Syndrome North East

Down’s Syndrome North East is the leading organisation for the help and support of all people with Down’s Syndrome and their families and friends across the North East of England.

Dyspraxia Support Group Teesside

Dyspraxia Support Group Teesside arrange regular meet ups for dyspraxic individuals: parents & children & adults who have dyspraxia.
All Redcar & Cleveland area

Earthbeat Theatre Company

Earthbeat is a theatre company consisting of 84 adults, each of whom has a learning disability. We provide a service that offers a range of activities designed to develop confidence, raise self-esteem and to give a sense of purpose.


Education Plus NE will work in partnership to ensure we cater for the needs of the area specifically those students: -
At risk of exclusion from school
Excluded from school on a fixed term basis
At risk of disengaging from mainstream education
Require additional support during a negotiated transfer between mainstream schools
Otherwise require alternative education provision to meet their educational entitlement, for instance in line with an Education, Health and Care Plan or is a Looked After Child with no school place.
All Redcar & Cleveland area

Fairbridge Teesside

Fairbridge is a national charity that aims to give young people from disadvantaged areas a fairer chance to succeed in life.